在Ubuntu想編輯LaTeX, 使用TeXLive是較方便的選擇, 安裝過程遇到最頭疼的問題就是無法使用tlmgr, 找資料研究後就做個筆記吧
Running the installer
Step 1cd /your/download/directory
Enter command: i
Step 2
sudo gedit /etc/environment
在PATH=" "內最後方加入 :/usr/local/texlive/2011/bin/i386-linux
Step 3
cd /usr/local/texlive/2011
sudo chmod 777 tlpkg
sudo apt-get install perl-tk
tlmgr update --list
Report what would be updated without actually updating anything.
tlmgr update --all
Make your local TeX installation correspond to what is in the package repository (typically useful when updating from CTAN).
tlmgr show pkgname
Display detailed information about pkgname, such as the installation status and description.